2014-2015 Financial Report




From 1st August 2014 to 31st July 2015, Stand TALL have not received government funding anymore. The major revenue comes from donation and interest. In terms of expenditure, Patient Caring Programme and other operational costs takes up 60.1%, while the Sichuan-Hong Kong Rehabilitation Training and Development Project (including book publication), and management cost are respectively 13.4% and 4.1%. Stand TALL will continue to strictly follow government guideline of controlling management cost to less than 5%.


Until 31st of July 2015, the accumulated balance of Stand TALL account is HK$27,418,464, within which governmental funding balance is zero. Since the Sichuan-Hong Kong Rehabilitation Training and Development Programme finished in March 2014, the remaining balance will be invested in implementation of the long-term caring plan for the patients.


<Review of Sichuan-Hong Kong Rehabilitation Training and Development Center Project Conclusion and Looking Ahead>
香港註冊慈善機構 Registered charity organization in HK
站起來 Stand TALL. All Rights Reserved